Social Media etiquette - Instagram

 Emily Nelson

Social Media Etiquette - Instagram Matt Rife example

How to carry yourself in an online environment is very important, social media etiquette should be a staple in everyone's online presence. Instagram like most other platforms has community guidelines which consist of  “Intellectual property, appropriate imagery, spam, illegal content, hate speech/bullying and abuse, self-injury, and graphic violence”. These things are prohibited on the app of Instagram for a reason and all of the things listed above are problematic and harmful. We should make social media a safe and inclusive place for everyone. Social media etiquette should be known and abided by all because there is nothing worse than an ignorant person on social media. The golden rule should always be followed when using social media, and speak to others in a way you wish to be spoken to, trolling is not ok and it is a form of cyberbullying. Never post anything harmful, offensive, illegal, etc.. Also if you're under 21 and there is alcohol on your feed anywhere, we all see, including potential employers as well as the college you attend (if you’re a student). 

Matt Rife is a comedian who took a “joke” about domestic violence too far (domestic violence is NEVER a joke). It was released to the public in a Netflix special starring Matt Rife and his comedy show and Rife got a lot of backlash because of the joke rightfully so. His fans and well everyone took to social media and trolled him not only for his poor humor but for many other things concerning other celebrities including Brooke Scofield (from The Canceled Podcast). Rife decided to take things into his own hands which led him to Instagram and he proceeded to post an “apology” for his joke which was a link to helmets for disabled individuals. He then went on to say that people “can't get offended at comedy because it ' s just a joke”. Still to this day he is ignorant of his actions and continues to deny any fault or wrongdoing of any kind on his part. From the beginning, Matt should have never told a joke about domestic violence. The post to Instagram only made everything substantially worse for Rife and definitely should have posted a real apology instead of a fake one. He could have read the guidelines of Instagram and seen that the post does not abide by those guidelines and refrained from posting.


  1. Hey Emily, I agree that carrying and showing professionalism is essential for social media. Making fun of domestic violence is crossing the line. I get it that a comedian is supposed to say funny stuff. But making fun of domestic violence is a disgrace. He might have had someone in the crowd who suffered from domestic violence.

  2. Hi Emily,
    Based on your posting it is clear you have a good understanding of social media etiquette. I remember when the Matt Rife issue occurred, and I can't believe people are still supporting him. To me, his "apology" video is a major reason why I don't listen to him anymore.

  3. The biggest problem with this situation was his lack of empathy for the people that called him out on this, in my opinion. People say things they don't mean sometimes, but when you go on to act completely ignorant to what you've done wrong is when people it shows that you are not only ignorant you are also inconsiderate.

  4. Great post Emily! I also did my presentation on someone who was a comedian who said offensive things on social media in ways of a "joke" but like you said, there are certain subjects that are to never be joked about. No matter someone profession, everyone must know how to act on their social media respectfully and responsibly.


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