Chapter 4 Blog - Emily Nelson

 Chapter 4 Blog 


The importance of networking and collaboration is the key takeaway from this chapter because, in any field of work, you have to have networking skills to build yourself and the company you work for. Networking and people skills also go hand because if you can't talk to people you can't accomplish much,
networking as a whole is meant to be a social thing and to show people how you can flourish in that environment. Even before having a job networking is what gets you a job in the first place. Collaborations are a great way to get your name and image out there, especially in connected learning communities. One of the most common ways to help build and grow a connected learning community is through networking and collaboration, it's easy cheap, and definitely helps do things efficiently. Nowadays it's quite easy to network because of all the outlets such as Linked In or social media but in past years these things weren't accessible or offered to as many people as it is now. 

I'm a business management major, and networking and collaborations are a large chunk of the business world in its entirety. Mostly everyone has Linked In, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Whether it is for personal use or for work these platforms have become a staple. Connected learning communities are built through online networking and collaborations same as the business field. As stated above people skills are a very large part of this as well and the saying "It's not what you know it's who you know" comes to mind because networking properly can take you so far and this all stems from knowing how to talk to people.  


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